@article{oai:tezukayama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001073, author = {長塚, 昌生 and Nagatsuka, Masao}, journal = {帝塚山経済・経営論集, Tezukayama Journal of Business & Economics}, month = {Mar}, note = {Health promotion has become one of the most important policy issues in recent Japan, because its society has become an aging society. Behavioral economics has potential to be a key factor to answer the issue. Concern about health impact of human behavioral side is becoming central issue in health policy, such as procrastination, unhealthy habit, and so on. Behavioral economics have developing with holding the psychological side of human behavior, thus, it promote our understanding on these unhealthy habit. This paper reviews concerning recent development on the behavioral economics aspects of health behavior.}, pages = {89--104}, title = {行動経済学と健康政策}, volume = {27}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ナガツカ, マサオ} }