@article{oai:tezukayama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001071, author = {菅, 万希子 and Suga, Makiko}, journal = {帝塚山経済・経営論集, Tezukayama Journal of Business & Economics}, month = {Mar}, note = {As low birthrate and aging advance in macro-environment of Japan, people are at the high level of awareness to the health. Along with that, many companies are trying to enter the medical industry. However, it is often that it does not go so smoothly. The reasons are the companies’ poor medical knowledge and also generally believed that Japanese certification system of the medical device taking long time, is one of the barriers. Another main reason is that various stakeholders have various needs, and it is necessary to understand and adjust each other's needs. Moreover, adjustment of each needs must be done in parallel with the process of product development. And the knowledge and techniques of marketing can make a big contribution to this process.}, pages = {47--66}, title = {捻じれの測定技術における医療産業イノベーションにむけたニーズ分析モデル}, volume = {27}, year = {2017}, yomi = {スガ, マキコ} }